
Steve McCarthy - Former A Ward Ballina


I love and enjoy engaging with people

Listening, seeking the facts before decisions should be made

I will always collaborate with others to progress these important aspects:


"Success", Oxford Dictionary says it is the accumulation of assets, prestige & privilege; whereas John Woodens version "The peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming, under the curcumstances that exist for you".

Aristotle said "Natural law & local governance is about the common good mixed with human dignity".

Common Good = “The help accruing to people as a result of their co-operation which is more than the simple sum of parts”.

Mezner – philosopher - Human Dignity – "To be your existential end, best that you can be".

  • Facilitating, fostering the search for common goals.
  • All members of the community receive a victory
  • Binds the community

I must go with the philosophical outcome. I don’t understand the introspection. Should be on facilitation, rather than merely provision. Get the whole community working together for a single goal. Subsidium Approach (Hesed) We need all forms of loving kindness, direction, advise. Often money is the lowest form of charity, least admirable. Normally it only adages the guilt of the donor. Must be superfluous as soon as possible. Redundancy must be built in or we will build up dependency, & dependency is not a state of human dignity. As many people have learnt from Covid. Dependency does not give you the purpose of fulfilment.

  • Aristotle – meaning of government – Common good – justification for government
  • Mezner – philosopher - Human Dignity – to be your existential end, best that you can be
  • Principles of subsidiarity – be creative & flourish
  • Natural Law - Teleology – Things have an ultimate good. – people pursue good & shun perceived evil

Drew, J 2022, Saving Local Government: Financial Sustainability in a Challenging World, Springer, Singapore (2022) viewed 27/10/2022 2022.